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NEET Exam 2023: Admit Card & Examination Center Release by NTA


NEET परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे अभ्यर्थियों के बीच उत्सुकता बढ़ गई है, की उनकी परीक्षा की तिथि कब घोषित होगी, NEET के आवेदन फॉर्म भरे जा चुके हैं, उम्मीदवारों की संख्या ज्यादा होने और छात्रों के अनुरोध के आधार पर एक बार इसकी आवेदन तिथि को बढ़ाया जा चुका है जो की 15 मार्च 2023 को दुबारा खत्म हो चुकी है, अब अभ्यर्थी इंतजार कर रहे हैं की उनकी परीक्षा तिथि क्या हैं, कब होंगी NEET 2023 की परीक्षा।

जो भी अभ्यर्थी इस बार NEET की परीक्षा देने के इच्छुक है उनके लिए 6 मार्च 2023 को आवेदन लेना शुरू हो गया था जिसकी अंतिम तिथि 6 अप्रैल 2023 थी, लेकिन अभ्यर्थियों की संख्या ज्यादा होने और सभी का आवेदन पूरा न होने की स्थिति में एक बार फिर से 12 अप्रैल से 15 अप्रैल 2023 तक आवेदन लेने के लिए आवेदन पोर्टल खोला था जिसमे कई सारे अभ्यर्थियों ने आवेदन किया है

इस बार NEET 2023 के लिए 20 लाख से भी अधिक विद्यार्थियों ने आवेदन किया हैं, पिछले वर्ष 2022 में 18 लाख से भी विद्यार्थी NEET परीक्षा में शामिल हुए थे ।

Application Start6 March 2023
Application ends6 April 2023
Application Extended date12 April to 15 April 2023
Students applied20 lakh+

कब होगी परीक्षा

NEET की परीक्षा आयोजित करने की जिम्मेदारी NTA की यानी नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी की होती है जो हर वर्ष समय पर NEET की परीक्षा आयोजित करती है, NTA की जिम्मेदारी होती है की वह आवेदन स्वीकार करने के बाद महत्वपूर्ण तारीख जैसे प्रवेश पत्र, और परिणाम की तिथि घोषित करें, NEET का आवेदन लेना हाल हीं में बंद हुआ है लेकिन उसके बाद से NTA की तरफ से अभी प्रवेश पत्र और परिणामों को लेकर कोई निश्चित तिथि नहीं जारी की गई हैं, हालांकि परीक्षा 7 मई 2023 को होना निश्चित हुआ है।

महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां

परीक्षा को लेकर 7 मई 2023 की तारीख तय हुई है लेकिन NTA की तरफ से अभी प्रवेश पत्र और परिणामों की तारीखों को घोषित करना बाकी है , हालांकि ये संभावित है की मई के शुरुआत में प्रवेश पत्र जारी हो सकता है और जून में परिणाम घोषित हो सकते हैं।

Admit Card dateMay 2023
Exam date7 May 2023
Result dateJune 2023

आ गया सस्ता ट्रांसपेरेंट फ़ोन इसमें चमकने वाली एलईडी लाइट्स, मिलेगा 108 कैमरा देख कर सबका होश उड़ जायेगा


अपने शानदार डिजाइन और लुक्स की वजह से बहुत ही कम समय में चर्चा में आने वाला एक स्मार्टफोन ब्रांड जो एक बार फिर से अपने नए स्मार्टफोन को लॉन्च करने के लिए तैयार है, Nothing ने स्मार्टफोन इंडस्ट्री में बड़ी बड़ी ब्रांड्स के सामने चुनौती देते हुए अपना फोन लॉन्च किया था, इस बार Nothing Phone के नए मॉडल को लेकर क्या खबर है जानिए आज के इस लेख में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी।

फोन के बाहर क्या होता है फोन के डिस्प्ले में क्या दिखता है ये तो हम सब जानते है, ऐसे में कोई नई ब्रांड जल्द से जल्द बड़े मार्केट को कवर करने के लिए ऐसा क्या करे की लोग उसके स्मार्टफोन को खरीदना पसंद करें

नाम आता है Nothing Phone का Nothing ने स्मार्टफोन के अंदर के लुक्स को बेहद खूबसूरती से प्रस्तुत करते हुए लोगो का ध्यान अपनी ओर खींचा, वहीं फोन के बैक साइड में एलईडी लाइट के साथ फोन के म्यूजिक को सिंक करके लोगो का इस फोन के प्रति आकर्षण को बढ़ाया।

Nothing Phone 1 Unihertz Luna

Nothing Phone ब्रांड अपने नए स्मार्टफोन को लॉन्च करने की खबरे जाहिर कर रहा है, कुछ दिनों पहले Nothing के सीईओ ने ट्विटर पर एक तस्वीर शेयर करते हुए खबरों में हलचल ला दी थी तस्वीर में वह Nothing Phone 1 और उसी के जैसे दिखने वाले एक दूसरे स्मार्टफोन को हाथ में लिए दिख रहें हैं, लोगो का कहना है की ये Nothing series का नया स्मार्टफोन है जो पिछले स्मार्टफोन को टक्कर देने वाला हैं।

कैसा है Nothing Phone Unihertz Luna

लुक्स की बात करें तो तस्वीर में यह स्मार्टफोन Nothing Phone 1 के जैसे ही दिख रहा है लेकिन पिछले फोन के मुकाबले इसमें एलईडी लाइट्स को नए ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। Nothing अपने स्मार्टफोन में एलईडी लाइट्स का इस्तेमाल यूजर के संदेश, कॉल और अन्य तरह को नोटिफिकेशन के लिए करता है, जैसे ही फोन में कोई नई नोटिफिकेशन आती है यह एलईडी लाइट्स नोटिफिकेशन टोन के हिसाब से जलने लगती है।

क्या है फीचर्स

फीचर्स के लिए Nothing अपने स्मार्टफोन यूजर को प्रीमियम एक्सपीरियंस देने के लिए कीमत के अनुसार अच्छे फीचर्स देने के लिए जाना जाने लगा है, Nothing के नए स्मार्टफोन में आपको 6.81 इंच का डिस्प्ले मिलेगा जो की अपने में ही एक बड़ा डिसप्ले है जिसमे आपको अच्छा खासा स्क्रीन रेजुलेशन देखने को मिलेगा,

इसके बैक में आपको ट्रिपल कैमरा सेट अप मिलेगा जिसमे मेन कैमरा 108MP रहेगा और 32MP का फ्रंट फेसिंग सेल्फी कैमरा होगा।

यह स्मार्टफोन मीडियाटेक हेलियो G99 चिपसेट से लैस होगा, जिसमे 8 जीबी की रैम और 256जीबी की स्टोरेज होगी, एंड्रॉयड 12 पर चलने वाला यह स्मार्टफोन आपको सभी लेटेस्ट फीचर्स के साथ मिल सकता है, जिसमे 5000mAh की बैटरी होने की उम्मीद है जो 18W के चार्ज के साथ होगा।

अभी फोन के लॉन्च होने की कोई पुख्ता खबर नहीं आई है तो इसके फीचर्स क्या होंगे इसको लेकर कोई सटीक बात कहना मुश्किल है, लेकिन सीईओ के द्वारा शेयर की गई तस्वीर के अनुसार लोगो और एक्सपर्ट के द्वारा लगाए गए कयासों के आधार पर यह फीचर्स हमने आपके सामने रखें हैं

कीमत कितनी होगी??

Nothing Phone 1 के बेस वेरिएंट की कीमत 32,999 थी, इस बार लॉन्च होने की उम्मीद किए जाने वाले स्मार्टफोन Nothing Unihertz Luna के लिए उम्मीद की जा रही है की यह लगभग 24,700 रुपए की कीमत के आस पास का हो सकता है, अभी इस फोन के भारत में लॉन्च होने की कोई उम्मीद नहीं है।

AP High Court Hall Ticket 2023: Direct Admit Card Link


Ap high court hall tickets are now released. One can Download them from the official websites. The applicants for 3673 vacancies of various posts like subordinate, typist, copying etc can Download their Ap high court hall ticket from 16th December 2022.

For the requirement of aspirations for specified purposes AP high court has conducted the exams. To access those exams the aspirants should download the AP high court hall ticket prior. The examination conducted by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh is CBT aiming to recruit the best employees under the specific posts in the High Court.

Posts Advertised for Recruitment 

There are various posts mentioned by the high Court of Andhra Pradesh  for recruitment. The posts are as follows.

  • Section Officer
  •  Assistant Section Officer
  •  Computer Operator
  •  Overseer
  •  Assistant and Examiner
  •  Typist and Copyist
  •  Assistant Overseer
  •  Driver
  •  Office Subordinate

Apart from the high Court recruitment the examinations by the high Court of Andhra Pradesh are also conducted for District court recruitment. The vacancies and posts for the district court recruitment are as follows.

  • Office Subordinate – 1520
  • Process Server – 439
  • Driver – 20
  • Record Assistant – 09
  • Copyist – 209
  • Examiner – 112
  • Field Assistant – 158
  • Typist – 170
  • Junior Assistant – 681
  • Stenographers – 114

How to Download AP High Court Hall Tickets – 2023

AP high court hall tickets can be downloaded online. For downloading the AP high court hall ticket the aspirant must fill in a few details like registration number, date of birth etc. These details will be given to you a week before the examination date. Let’s look at the steps you need to follow to download the AP high court hall ticket. 

  • Firstly, get yourself to the AP high court of Andhra Pradesh official website.
  • Now here you find a recruitment tab click on it and search for the jobs available for which you can be recruited.
  • Here for the post we need to apply you have the respective hall ticket link. Just find it out and hover to the next step.
  • After you get your AP high court hall ticket link fill all the necessary information has been  asked like registration number and date of birth.
  • Check all the filled information and later check your hall ticket. 
  • Click on the download option to download your AP high court hall ticket.

Andhra Pradesh High Court Latest Recruitment 2023

Here is a table that specifies all the details about the Andhra Pradesh high court latest recruitment 2023.

Name of the Organisation  Andhra Pradesh High Court
Name of the posts
  • Stenographer Grade-III
  • JA, 
  • Typist
  • Field Assistant 
  • Examiner
  • Copyist
  • Record Assistant
  • Driver (Light Vehicle)
  • Process Server
  • Office Subordinate
Total vacancies 3673
Location of job or exam Andhra Pradesh 
Exam dates 21st December 2022 to 20th January 2023.
Ap High Court hall ticket release date 16th December 2022

Examination Dates of Different Posts in AP high court

Here is a table specifying the examination dates of different posts which can be recruited by the high Court of Andhra Pradesh. 

Posts Examination date
Stenographer, JA, Typist, Field Assistant (Common Exam) 21, 22, 23, 29 December 2022 and 2 January 2023
Copyist, Examiner, Record Assistant (Common Exam) 26 December 2022
Driver, Process Server, Office Subordinates (peon) (Common Exam) 26 December 2022 to 29 December 2022

Final Note

If you are a job aspirant who wants to work in the high court of Andhra Pradesh you can make use of the post. AP high court hall ticket is important in case you need to write the examinations conducted by the Andhra Pradesh high court. For more details on Andhra Pradesh high court recruitment and also hall ticket of AP high court you can visit the AP high court official website.

iOS 16.4.1 update – Here Is Why You Should Update


Apple has recently released the iOS 16.4.1 update, which is an emergency patch and should be updated immediately. The iOS 16.4.1 update comes with a warning from Apple to update now because it fixes two security vulnerabilities that are being actively used in real-life attacks. 

The first vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-28205, is an already-exploited flaw in WebKit, which is the engine that powers Apple’s Safari browser. This flaw could allow an attacker to execute code on a user’s device. The second vulnerability, CVE-2023-28206, is an issue in the IOSurfaceAccelerator that could allow an app to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. We expect that these vulnerabilities are fixed in the iOS 16.4.1 update.

Apple has not provided many details about what exactly is fixed in the new iOS 16.4.1 update, but both vulnerabilities are serious and have been actively exploited. The fact that Apple has issued the iOS 16.4.1 update on a weekend, which is very rare, highlights the sheer importance of the iOS 16.4.1 update. iOS 16.4.1 update is the most serious update since February when the iPhone maker issued iOS 16.3.1 to fix a flaw that was already being used in attacks.

Independent security researcher Sean Wright recommends installing the iOS 16.4.1 update immediately, given that it is an emergency patch and the vulnerability is being actively exploited. He also points out that the vulnerability was identified by Amnesty International’s Security Lab, suggesting that it is being weaponized for nefarious purposes.

Also,Read – Realme 10 Release Date and Specifications 

Global cybersecurity advisor at ESET, Jake Moore, also stresses the importance of the iOS 16.4.1 update now. He advises people to make sure their devices have auto-updates on and to check their settings to ensure they installed the iOS 16.4.1 update. While automatic updates on iPhones are useful, it’s a good idea to actively install the iOS 16.4.1 update manually now. Automatic updates are rolled out gradually across regions, so it can sometimes take a while to reach everyone.

iOS 16.4.1 Update Now Warning Issued To All iPhone Users

In addition to fixing security vulnerabilities, the iOS 16.4.1 update also fixes some bugs that have been plaguing iPhone users, including a Siri issue. To get the iOS 16.4.1 update, go to Settings > General > Software Update and upgrade to the iOS 16.4.1 update to keep your iPhone safe.

iOS 16 is out Now


Have you heard of the newly updated version of the iPhone? The version came up in June 2022. As the Apple company introduced it, hence it is named iOS 16. This iOS 16 has introduced many new features to the iPhone. It has a new design from the older ones, and everything is well-customized. The version has many widgets on the lock screen which you can customize by yourself, new settings in the message section, perfect focus modes in the camera, New filters, iCloud library and many more updates. We will discuss all the new updated features of iOS 16. 

How to install iOS 16 on your iPhone?

iOS 16 version can be automatically available for all iPhone users and will ask permission to download if you have applied security features. 

Many beta versions of iOS 16 are under testing, and from that, iOS 16.0 has been provided to all users, but iOS 16.1 is now available only for developers and core workers. The update available in iOS 16 has expanded the battery life and extra security support. 

Apple Pay Later

There is a newly updated feature named Apple Pay Later in iOS 16. It offers you apple purchases with no EMI and almost in free instalments. It can be a beneficial feature for you. 

Next, it has a Wallet app feature by which you can track your order’s exact location and other purchases simultaneously. You can also buy digital cards and use them for your purchases. 

Voice Catching features 

The voice-catching feature of your iPhone has been upgraded exclusively well. It has made a live chat section, new Visual Lookups, a version of Siri that gets upgraded, and many more. 

Customized Lock Screen

iOS 16 allows you to customize your lock screen according to your need/choice. It also provides new widgets and features. The new widgets can be set on the lock screen as per your convenience with a customized gallery. This customized gallery provides you with the pictures from your gallery and some of the newly updated photos for your lock screen. Moreover, you can add filters and a few layers of photos with it. 


The upgraded version of iOS 16 has provided you with specific features that you can check up on your daily life activities. The count of footsteps, live sports activity, workout activity, delivery status and daily updates like news. You can set ping sounds or can mute it accordingly by yourself. 

Focus modes

Not only a camera has focus mode, but wallpaper can have it. You can find the newest filters and perfect bright/clear focus mode on the camera. The lock screen also has this feature. You can set focus mode according to your mood and choice. The focus mode includes a “do not disturb”, “personal”, “work”, and “sleep” mode. Hence this can be beneficial for your health and work. The focus mode can also be set on the Mail, Sms, Mails, and other applications. 

One can directly link the iPhone to the Apple Watch, which has the same feature as an iPhone. These many features have been updated in iOS 16 and made your life easier and more enjoyable. 

Communication Features 

  • Messages

The message application has come with extraordinary best features. You can send direct messages for collaborating with any brand, and they can reply to the same. The app is automatically linked with keynotes, pages, simple notes, and files to make your work easier and more secure. It also came up with SharePlay to Messages so that you can enjoy listening to songs and favourites.

  • Freeform

The Freeform application is a stable feature like Canvas, where you can set assets, draw new projects, and can also learn to do editing on a fundamental level. You can also embed web links, audio, images, docs, and pdfs. You can also do facetime if you are collaborating with a brand or have a meeting of your work related to some graphic work. 

  • Mails

The mailbox has been updated with new features in iOS 16. You can set facetime reminders, stop the delivery of sent messages, improve attachment features, and remind later. You can also add extra bulk of images and documents from your external storage to keep them safe. 

One can also save the rich links and other media in the mailbox. There are other relevant features available in the mailbox by iOS 16. The search bar and results also get improved.

Multimedia Features 

The multimedia has upgraded more than any other feature. You can also see the copy & paste feature. Along with this, you can also make many batches/albums for separate ones. Also, there are newer options for deleted photos and videos. You can also separate the sections of photos for safety when your children are on your phone.

In iOS 16, the iCloud library has also been upgraded. This feature saves your photos in your account even when your phone gets formatted. It also allows you to edit, delete, add/ move to another, etc., and many more features. 

Other Features 

  • You can edit your iPhone’s home page by adding widgets and filters.
  • Security features have been upgraded exclusively better than before. 
  • Your health and fitness can count by iOS 16. 
  • The notes and Reminder feature has been improved by adding attachments like links, pdfs, shared, quick notes, pinned notes, and many more. 
  • You can make an account for your children, mainly including features available for kids. 
  • The face I’d and Other lock features have become more precise and secure.
  • The newly added dictionary can be discovered from this version. 
  • Also, new languages like Bulgarian and Kazakh have been supported by iOS 16.


After reading about the iOS 16 version, the iPhone can be proved more secure, easy, and healthy. It also keeps an eye on our health and fitness with its features. Also, this feature can explore animation versions and graphics more. It can also give you temperature and weather warnings. This is must try a feature for your Apple Phone.

How to Control My Phone With Voice?


Thinking about how to Control your phone with voice? Yes! There’s an option to control your phone with voice. Don’t stress yourself more! Here’s the thing you need.

Voice Access is the app that helps you Control your phone with your voice commands. With this you can command your phone without touching it that saves much of your time.

Voice Access can be the best one for those who can’t type something and also for the busy individuals. Simply Control your phone by commanding it with your voice and get your work done in a simple way. Let’s go deep with the Voice Access app.

Voice Access App

Voice Access as the name suggests uses your voice to run the functions of your phone. You can control the navigation bar like go back, go home etc, control the screen like tap next, scroll down and even edit a text by just spelling out the text.

To know about all commands you can say “Help”. Voice Access can be the best app for those who are blind or couldn’t type due to some disabilities or for those who are engaged in some other work. 

When you speak out anything to message something it converts your words into text and sends to the desired person. Voice Access helps you open various apps, text a message, call someone and many more with your voice.

How to Use Voice Access App?

To use Voice Access you should have it on your device but before you download the app you need to look for some requirements. Check out the requirements mentioned below.

  • Your Android device must be of 5.0 version or higher. Go to the settings and then about the phone to know the version of your phone.
  • You must have a Google app previously.
  • Selected language for easy speaking that controls your phone.

Step Wise Guide to Use Voice Access

Here are a few steps you need to follow to use Voice Access to control your phone with your voice.

Step-01: Check your Phone

Firstly, you need to check whether your phone is compatible with the Voice Access or not. Above mentioned are the few recommendations that must be fulfilled to use Voice Access on your device.

Step 02: Download Voice Access App 

If your phone is compatible with the app, navigate to google play store and download the Voice Access app.

Step 03: Activate the Voice Access 

To activate or start using the Voice Access app you need to navigate to the settings and click on Accessibility later open the voice Access option present there.You will find the Use Voice Access option click it.

Voice Access can be started in the following three ways:

  • If there is activated Hey Google detection then you just need to say Hey Google, Voice Access. 
  • You can also use it by opening the Voice Access app on the main menu.
  • The third way is to activate the Voice Access button.

Following the above steps you can use the Voice Access on your phone and control your phone with your voice.


Wrapping Up

Now you need not to struggle much to use your phone as you now know how to Control your phone with your voice. Just follow the above mentioned steps to use the Voice Access and have a hands free control on your phone.

Stay connected with us to get more info about similar stuff. Hope here’s everything you need. Let us know if there’s something we have missed or you need to know something from us, we feel happy to help you.

Top 7 Best Status Apps – You Must Try


The status apps are the apps that might be used to update your status on WhatsApp and other social media platforms. 

Nowadays, keeping a status has become a common task for both children and adults, therefore in this article, you will come to know the best status apps that can be used to increase your followers by allowing them to see your status.

Without consuming much of your time, let’s briefly discuss the top 7 best status apps of all time.

1 ShareChat

It is readily available in the play store. After downloading, there is a login procedure. After completion of this procedure, you can create a profile or user I’d then you can go for browsing of videos, audios and pictures

that you like to download. 

Languages can also be changed, so it attracts many users. You can gain vivid knowledge of news, political issues, history and about many places.

It has very best features not only for status downloading but also for uploading pictures, mp3 audio and mp4 videos. Since it has vivid features there are a vast number of users using this app. You can also earn money through this app by uploading catchy videos. 

It has a unique feature, you can chat with the unknown person without knowing their user Id. You can find some celebrities and their daily posts.

2 Status Saver

You may get this app from the Google Play store. It doesn’t have a login producer, just you need to tap on the allow button for the phone permissions, therefore you can download the status that you like.

When your friend uploaded a status that attracted you. And you asked your friend to share the status, but your friend hasn’t seen your text. But there is no need to waste your time by asking your friend, since you can download the status that your friend uploaded without his/her notice.

It has a unique feature in which it has 18 languages, so that normal people who know only their common language can also use this app.

3 Best Quotes and Status

It is readily available in the play store. After downloading the app you can find many categories of quotes based on the situation. It’s been one of the popular app with higher ratings.

You can not only download the quotes, but you can also upload quotes based on your interest. You can also get the required content by requesting them.

The errors on this app can be rectified through simple feedback.

4 Vid Status – Video Status – Status download

Go to the Play Store and get this app by hitting the install button. After downloading this app, you get the notifications for the app permissions. It comprises short videos, movie clips, birthday wishes stickers, songs, comedy clips and much more. For every glance you get wishes which is a crazy feature. It has a peculiar feature of renewing the car/ bike insurance.

5 DP and Status Video for WhatsApp

It is readily available in the play store. It has the highest downloads. It has vivid categories like comedy videos, lyrics videos, Bollywood movie clips, songs videos and much more. It comprises HD quality videos. It is available in android and iPhone version. These also include short videos that are fit for WhatsApp status.

It has the unique feature of earning money through quiz and other games.

6 Downloader – All Video Downloader App 2021

This app is made available to every android user via Play Store. After downloading this app, you get the notifications for app permissions.

It is one of the best status apps available in the play store. You can download status, stories, profile and other short videos from social apps like WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

You can just copy the URL links of particular status or story and paste in this app to get that status or story. You can also become a content creator by creating short videos.

7 HDV Downloader

It is readily available from the play store. After downloading this app, tapping on the start button app will be opened.

Nowadays the youth are mostly attracted to K-pop and K-dramas, this would give the best for them. You can download status, short Videos and your favorite K-pop star and K- drama idol videos.

Frequently Asked questions

  1. Which app is best for WhatsApp video download?

I guess that Status Saver is the best app from the list,  and it doesn’t have a login producer, just you need to tap on the allow button for the phone permissions, therefore you can download the status that we like to.

It has a unique feature in which it has 18 languages, so that normal people who know only their common language can also use this app.

  1. What does DT status saver mean?

 Status Saver is a free app that allows you to save WhatsApp statuses on your Android device.

Final Note

That ends our list of best status apps. Hope it’s useful and might help you to download the status that you always wanted to download. If you have any doubts regarding the topic you can post your queries in the comment box. We will go through it as soon as possible.

Kindly Bookmark our page and keep following us for more articles. Stay up for more updates.

How do you turn on the dark theme In MicroSoft Excel


The use of dark themes has become ubiquitous. Dark themes are now supported by almost every major software, including Microsoft Excel. All programmed in the Microsoft Office suite support dark mode. Using a dark color scheme not only makes reading easier on the eyes, but it also enhances the content. Excel’s dark theme may be enabled by following these steps:

  1. Open Excel on your computer.
  2. You may access the file menu by clicking on the File button in a left corner of the page’s ribbon.
  3. At the bottom of the page, choose the Account option.
  4. The Open Office Theme drop-down menu option.
  5. You may choose the theme by clicking on it. Dark Gray and Black are the only choices available in the drop-down menu.

The color of the ribbon, quick access toolbar, and other elements will change to match your new theme in Microsoft Excel. However, you can’t alter the color of the spreadsheet by changing the theme, and the app doesn’t provide this feature either. There is, however, a way to modify the color of a spreadsheet’s cells. You may follow these steps to learn how to do so:

  1. Make a selection from the Page Layout drop-down menu on top of the page.
  2. Select the Background option from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Insert Pictures dialogue box, choose the Search Binge option.
  4. Search for ‘solid black’ or ‘solid grey’ depending on the color scheme of your website.
  5. Click on Insert after selecting the desired background picture.

You can now see the new color in your spreadsheet, but you may also need to alter the font color since it will be difficult to read black type on a dark backdrop. Changing the font color may be done under the Font section of the home tab under the Fonts section.

How to Change Font Sytle – Best App For Multiple Fonts


Fonts are the main part of everyone’s mobile screen. But not all fonts are everyone’s favourite. We use the keyboard from sending messages, writing emails to editing stuff. Somewhere you might have thought that “It would have looked more attractive If I added a different font” or “I wish I had multiple fonts option on the keyboard”. I know It takes a lot of time when you go to another app, copy from there and paste it.

But Guess what? Your problem is solved in today’s article. I’ve come up with “The Best App For Multiple Fonts” which you can use on your device to type with different fonts from your keyboard at “Once”

Let’s get into the article…

What Is Fonts (Fonts Keyboard For emoji, Symbols ,Kaomoji) App?

This app is designed for changing fonts according to your customized needs. It has different fonts in different styles which gives your texts an attractive look. It has tons of emojis and fonts for you to use on a regular basis.

How To Install the Fonts app?

This app is available like any other app on playstore. But you follow the steps I am going to mention below to avoid any inconvenience.

Step-1: Open your mobile and go to Playstore.

Step-2: On the search bar Type “Fonts app”, here’s how it looks.

Step-3: Tap on the Install button to start downloading.

Step-4: Wait for the process to complete and open the app once it is done.

How To Change Fonts Using this app?

I’ll share with you the complete guide on how you can activate these fonts on your keyboard.

Step-1: Once you open the app, It will ask you to complete the two steps:

  1. Enable fonts keyboard
  2. Switch to fonts

First click on the enable option, It will take you to the settings where you have to disable your Samsung/google keyboard to enable “Fonts” keyboard with multiple fonts.

Step-2: After you enable this keyboard, It will ask you to choose your language. Choose any language you’re comfortable with speaking and typing.

Step-3: Done, the “Keyboard Is Ready” will appear on your screen.

Step-4: Do not get confused by seeing multiple font options on your keyboard, they will always be there, even after you exit this app.

Step-5: You can choose the font you wish anytime on any app once you enable it’s keyboard.


Enjoy typing…!


I hope this article ends your boredom of typing with only one font every single time. Now you’re free to use the fonts you want anywhere from typing messages to writing essays. Download the app now and enjoy the fonts.

Top 4 Best Writing Apps For Android Users in 2021


 Nowadays, there are many people working as bloggers, tech writers, novelists etc. They have great writing skills to give a finishing touch to their writing skills, there are a few apps to help such people. If you are a writer and searching for best writing apps especially for Android then you are most welcome!

Top 4 Best Writing Apps For Android Users in 2021
Top 4 Best Writing Apps For Android Users in 2021

This post has no information on writing apps for iphone or iOS devices. Only Android users can get their desired information here. So, if you are not an android user, we are sorry about that! What are we waiting for? Let’s rush into it.

  1. Grammarly


It is obviously a great app for writers. You can even use your virtual keyboard to write but it may not provide the best results as grammarly. Many writers can have certain grammatical mistakes which may make them feel low but grammarly finds all those mistakes and help you to rectify them.

Grammarly helps you to write your content in a professional way as it can identify and correct all the grammatical mistakes.

Top Features

  • Can identify and correct grammatical mistakes.
  • Benefit of having proofreading features.
  • Relish light and dark themes.

Price: Free, and different plans are available.

  1. Google Docs

Google Docs
Google Docs

 Google Drive has generally been perhaps the most remarkable online office suite, and it remains so right up ’till today. It gives a moderately perfect and versatile composing experience, especially on Android cell phones and tablets.

It gives you admittance to a word processor in Google Docs, distributed storage as Google Drive, and the capacity to take notes utilizing Google Keep. Subsequently, this is a great set-up of applications for scholars.

It can even be utilized to compose scripts for your YouTube recordings.

Top Features

  • Users can easily attach or reply to the comments in the document itself.
  • Users have an option to share and cooperate in the same document coinciding.
  • You can undoubtedly investigate it, directly in Docs with the Explore include.

Price: Free / $1.99-$199.99 per month.

  1. iA Writer

iA Writer
iA Writer

iA Writer is an instinctive, direct composing application that Android clients will discover simply to utilize and learn.

It’s a clean application that eliminates all interruptions, permitting you to zero in on your imaginative work. With Focus Mode, you can diminish everything on the screen aside from the line on which you are working.

It likewise upholds Markdown so you can compose HTML rapidly. iA writer includes a light and dull subject, and it likewise matches up to Dropbox.

The application will likewise help you feature powerless action words, monotonous words, syntactic blunders and that’s just the beginning.

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At last, the work area form of iA Writer likewise connects to WordPress, permitting you to compose blog entries and distribute to your website rapidly and without any problem.

Top Features 

  • Users can concentrate on their work as it provides a distraction free writing surroundings for the user.
  • It comprises an upturn light on dark mode.
  • It doesn’t stick to any custom file format or database.

Price: Free / $29.99.

  1. JotterPad 


JotterPad gives a free form, and it’s designed explicitly for journalists.

It can assist you with composing books, screenplays and different types of composing also. There is a no-interruption mode that assists you with getting into the zone and tune out interruptions.

It even has a word counter, a dim mode and backing for distributed storage. You can even access split-screen mode, where you can chip away at two archives without a moment’s delay.

 Top Features 

  • It has an integrated dictionary that helps users to search precise words.
  • You can even write offline as it connects with Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Dark themes, phrase searches, Markdowns, snapshots are some of the features that are incorporated into the app.

Price: Free / $5.99-$14.99 once / $0.99 per month.

 Let’s Wrap Up

These are only a couple of the top applications accessible on Android right now for authors, all things considered.

Any of these composing instruments can assist you with contributing to a blog, composing a book or making an article while utilizing a tablet or Android cell phone. Try out these Android writing applications and track down the one that best meets your composing needs.